Blast From The Past

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

We sang at a local coffee shop last night, and that was cool as always… it’s a neat little covered outdoor patio that we get to sing on there… very cool. There was a small crowd of friends there, so it was an all around great evening.

AND, there was a crazy twist to the evening!

When we got there, I was setting things up with the girl who was running the place that night… and after a brief interaction, I thought, “She looks REALLY familiar…”

Now I was a school bus driver in this same town (Fairport, NY) for the 1996-1997 school year. And it occurred to me that she might have been one of my bus riders!?!?!? THAT WOULD BE SO CRAZY! She was at least an older high schooler, or older… (That made me feel kinda old, too…) 🙂

Then I finally thought I placed her… I had her (probably) older sister on my bus! I remember her, cause she was a nice, kind, quiet girl, who always sat in the front. She was strikingly different from the rest of the rowdy rowdikins… and I also remembered that every time I dropped this girl off, her family of considerable number would be out there to greet her. Lots of little girls that all looked just like her!

So, I asked Maria, the coffee house girl, what her last name was… and it seemed sorta familiar. Then where she lived, and indeed… I was right!! That was so crazy! I told her I drove her sister’s bus in 1996… she said, “I was in like 3rd grade then!” 🙂 At that point I said, “Yes. I’m old.” 🙂

Anyway, that was a fun blast from the past. That’s the closest I have come to seeing any of my bus riders from my bus driving past. She’s just a sibling… but that’ll do for a little blasty from the pasty…



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