Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)
Well… sometimes, that’s all you can say.
This morning, I had to wake up early (8am) to get up to finish some minor repair (maintenance) work on our van. I was going to be up there for a while, so I thought I would take advantage of that time and transfer all of my unanswered email files to the laptop – as I have done countless times before – but this time, I made a mistake. It was completely my fault. I just missed it. I transfered the old files onto the new ones. BUT, when I did that, it did not complete the transfer for some reason … and I reconfigured the network so that I could transfer again — and this time, I copied the EMPTY files onto the laptop – so now ALL of our email files were ERASED. Gone. That was sad.
So I spent 45 min trying with futility to recover. And by then, I really had to go. I was late for our appointment with the van. I was so bothered by all of that. Just really bothered. But I was starting to say… what can ya do… when…
There was a stop sign. I forgot about the stop sign. I was supposed to stop.
I slammed on the brakes… started skidding a bit (though, not really, cause they’re anti-lock brakes) and heading very quickly and out of control for this very dangerous intersection. I did not want to go through it, so I tried to turn… but it was no use. I went right through the intersection, and by now I was off the road… and heading straight for a tree! So, I turned hard one more time.. and I just caught the tree with my right front bumper… going about 20-30 mph… and well…
The van is no more.
Air bags deployed. Right side of the vehicle is crumpled. Frame is bent. Lots of bad bad stuff.
I was on my way to finish the tune-up. We had just replaced everything. Including the $2300 transmission job.
What are ya gonna do? 🙂
The worship service we were part of last night was about praising God when everything around you is crazy. That is what we get to do today. We know that He loves us and we know that He will come through on this. No matter how crazy it looks. We know.
So… know with us. Whatever’s going on around you… or to you…or whatever. God knows. And He is gonna work stuff out for you in such a way that you will say GOD GETS THE GLORY! Glory’s a weird word… the props… the honor… he’s da man.
Remember that.