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I was just thinking… much of life is how you see it. Where you see it from.

I was just thinking about that awesome, amazing way we saw God come through with this van – it is way more than we can afford, and yet it was sold to us right in our price range…. it is way more than I could have done on my own, but I am convinced that God answered our prayers (that He would provide something more than we could do on our own).

That’s where I wondered about perspective.

I don’t want to give credit (or blame?) to God for something that is not from Him. So I am cautious to say what God did or wants or said or does… but I am convinced that Jesus is alive and that God is personally involved in MY life today. His Word says that, and I have seen it. But would everyone agree that what I say is "God working in my life" is indeed divine intervention? Perhaps not.

I say that God made this car deal happen. Someone else might say it’s because our friend from a rival dealership let us drive one of his cars (with dealer plates) in there, and so they really wanted to make the sale. I say God gave us way more than we could do on our own (cause we got the most amazing vehicle for our most humble price), while others may say we are being excessive – that we could have gotten a lesser vehicle for even less money…

You know what it comes down to? Perspective.

Perspective is your PERsonal SPECTIVE on life. It’s where you are looking from. That is the awesome thing about God is that he is SO personal! He knows what would help us to see Him working directly, personally in OUR lives… and He did that. For someone else it may look like something else (not God’s workings)… but to us, it can be nothing but. And, when God works personally in someone else’s life we may do that same thing – dismiss it prematurely as circumstancial or insignificant (or even just not AS significant as the recipient feels it is.)

So, before you go correcting your fellow believer… just remember that God is very very personal. And He may do things for someone that encourages their faith and trust in Him that might do nothing for you… but that’s not the point.

That’s just your perspective.

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