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Our God is a great big God…
Our God is a great big God
Our God is a great big God…
And He holds us in His hands
This morning we got to do a chapel for about 200 plus K-4 kids. And that song above was the central theme for what we were talking about. And as we were presenting it, I just realized… this is so simple for them. God is big. God loves me. Life is great!
Why do we make it so hard? Why do we have to ask over and over again if we are doing the right thing? Why do we have to wonder if God hears us… if God will do for us what we are asking… if God will protect us? Why do we ask Him with doubt in our minds?
Because we have grown up in the world of skeptics. Because we far too often listen to ourselves rather than the peaceful, quiet voice of our Shepherd. Because we have been "burned" by the Church or even by God himself in our minds. God did not answer a prayer in a way we wanted Him to.
"Unless you become like this little child, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
Jesus wants us to learn a lot from the K-4th graders. He says we will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless we humble ourselves and become like them. We are not as smart as we think… not as experienced as we think… not as in control as we think…
But He is.
Our God is a great big God
Our God is a great big God
Our God is a great big God
And He holds us in His hands.
"You really believe it"
I wanted to write about this a while back, but never got a chance to, so today, you get a 2 fer 1.
One of the most interesting, rewarding, eye-opening, cool experiences we have had since we began traveling and presenting Jesus through music was one small encounter I had with a young guy somewhere. I say young… he was within ten years of me either way. Does that count as young?
We were tearing down I think after we had presented some sort of thing that we do (most likely a worship concert) and we were chatting, and he said, "You know what makes you different… you really believe what you’re saying."
That one hit me immediately. You know how some statements hit you after the fact, when you get to reflect on them… this one slammed me right away. I thought all at once, how cool that he would say that about me, and how sad that something as simple as that would make me stand out.
I do believe it. And I live my life according to that belief. And I present a worldview through music that is based on an all-powerful AND all-loving God at the helm of the universe – AND my life – and every day is lived looking for how we can serve Him and know him more.
Don’t you?
As mentioned in earlier blogs, we are going through Experiencing God right now and that has been a good refresher to me that God is working all around me, and I need to make sure that I am watching and listening for Him and adjusting my life to Him when I see Him and when He reveals Himself to me. Don’t miss that. It’s not just words in an old book. It’s not just trivia. It is life-affecting reality.
You know what could make you different? Live like you really believe it.
One more… I was outside typing this, and was coming back in, but decided to stop by the window of our hotel room before I did and peek in and say hi. When Ian saw me he waved hard and smiled. And when Alex realized just who it was that Ian was looking at, I could see his face BEAM and he joyfully exclaimed, "DADDY!!!!". How cool is that? We have great boys. It is great to have boys. Looking forward to one more. (Even if this boy is a girl!)
Here’s an awesome photo of our boys, just cause they’re awesome. Ian is 4, Alex is 2. Appropriately, you see them here in their carseats!