Jennifer Lyn Campbell

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

When I first saw Jen, she was the girl with the big hair and glasses in my eighth grade class. We were both 13. We didn’t offcially meet till 10th grade. I was introduced to her as "The kinda girl you could marry…" I took that advice. 🙂

I just finished typing the entry below about this past weekend, and just wanted to get this in here while I am thinking about it.

Today is Jen’s 29th birthday. I love Jen’s birthday. It’s a day all about Jen! What could be better?! 🙂 I love everything about Jen. It still amazes me that God let us do life together. Today we get to celebrate her life. We’re going to do a day of fun stuff and presents and cake and everything… even dinner at Skyline Chili!!!

All this is just to say, I think I am way too blessed to be spending this Jen’s-birthday as Jen’s husband. Thanks God for Jen. Thanks that I get to do life with her. Thanks for all that she means to me. Thanks for all that you have made her to be.

Wish I could say more. She is deserving of more. I get the rest of my life to do that.

Today, I say Happy Birthday.

And, I love you, Jen.

More than you can know.

Happy Birthday! 🙂

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