Following God

Estimated reading time: 3 minute(s)

I have mentioned probably a few too many times that we are currently going through the study called Experiencing God. It has been great and we have learned tons from this – not the least of which is just to open our eyes and see God working in our lives.

And God has given us lots of chances to trust him recently, even when we could not see Him, or what we were trusting Him for did not make all that much sense.

But I noticed something the other day. A friend of mine made me think again about the line "sure of what we hope for" from Hebrews. He thinks it’s funny to call that faith – cause it’s just us hoping for something, not faith in something God is going to do. I got to thinking about it, and I think he is totally right.

God does not promise that any time we go off half-cocked and say "God is gonna do this for me!", or "God is gonna do that!" that is not necessarily faith. That is insane. To think that you could command the Holy One… you’re nuts. BUT, when we "knew" that God was going to give us the shoe (see Oct 29/30)… we did not have that idea… as crazy as it may sound, I am confident that God let us know He was going to give us the shoe. We were very quietly confident that He would do it… because he told us. Not with audible words… with impressions… like were mentioned in the story.

God is working around us… and he wants us to join him. And he will and does invite us. We just need to listen, watch, and then follow him. Then our faith will be confirmed when he does what he says he will do.

Don’t forget that God is not a microwave. He told David he would be king, and then 30 plus HARD years later, he got to be the coolest king Israel has ever had. But it took 30 years. Abraham had to wait a LOOOOOOONNG time for the son God promised him – and obviously did not get to see the descendants God promised him. God’s timetable is bigger than the one we think we have.

So listen for God. That is what I have learned. When he leads you, you can trust him. You will know it is His voice. Check it with His word. Check it with his past dealings with people (in Scripture) and you’ll just know.

Now, be aware, I am talking to Christians here. Those of us who have already bought in to the big picture, and have surrendered our lives to him (like yesterday’s post). Until then, we have no hope of really discerning God’s voice. The Spirit is our connection between our messed up world and God’s Holiness.

But once you are in – watch and listen, and then follow. That is faith. That is trust. That is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see. It is not initated by us – it is following the voice of our God. Following his lead.

And you know what? It’s fun!

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