Flowery Prayers

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

I was humbled again. By my son Ian. I love it when he does that. Really.

We were praying, and sometimes Ian is a bit embarrassed to talk with God in front of people – even mom & dad. Tonight he was again… but He decided to….

A bit of background… We went to the beach tonight after sunset (yes, the water was still QUITE warm!) and Ian and I were having a bunch of fun jumping waves. On one jump, over a large wave, Ian was quite upset, and finally got out that he lost his water shoe!!! 🙁 I spent 10 minutes feeling around for it, and looking around in the moonlit water. No luck. And all I could think about was the trust of Ian for his dad to find his shoe (that seemed to me to be quite precious to him) and how I could not do it. So I kept thinking that God is in control of oceans. And I kept asking him to help me find it, wash it up on shore, or put it in my hand. Whatever he wanted to – for my son Ian who completely trusts both of his dads. Well, no shoe – but I kept thinking that we should just come back tomorrow morning…. so, I went back to Ian and told him that. And we are going to go back and look for it tomorrow morning. 🙂

So, fast forward to tonight – praying before Ian goes to bed. And Ian decides he can pray without getting embarrased. He simply asked God to "please put the shoe on the beach so we can find it tomorrow. Thanks.". That was so cool.

The part that humbled me was not that… we continued to pray, and this time I was praying for our friend Kayla who is sick in the hospital with pneumonia. I thanked God for being big and powerful and asked him to help in many ways to heal Kayla, and to help Kayla’s mom have peace as she trusts Him.

Simple. Plain english. That’s how I would talk to my dad – so that’s how I talk to me Dad.

But Ian wanted to pray for Kayla, too. So he did.

"God, we know that you are mighty, and powerful… and we ask you to… get the… to… uh…. (many words) … help the doctors get medicine to help Kayla’s body to get better. So she doesn’t die."

Notice a difference? I did. Ian was getting all flowery (in his best four-year-old way… because I guess I do. I try hard to just be real with God. Guess I can try even more. 🙂

Thanks Ian for a fresh perspective.

Thanks Dad for Ian.

You are both awesome. (In different ways of course) 🙂

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